Sonic Cyberspace

Sonic Cyberspace is a fan game that plans to recreate the cyberspace experience from Sonic Frontiers but in a more enjoyable format! IN 2D!


Arrow keys (Joystick) - Movement

Z (A) - Jump

X (RT) - Boost

C (B) - Slide

S (L3) - Lightspeed ring dash

Sonic Cyberspace is a passion project I started in 2023 as a small challenge to refresh my skills in Game Maker Studio. The goal was simple, grab a Sonic framework off the internet and adapt the code and graphics into something completely different from it's source and for reference, I chose to recreate the Cyberspace levels from Sonic Frontiers. I then submitted it as an entry into an annual game jam called the Sonic Amateur Games Expo (SAGE), the same one that I entered Sonic Rush 3D into with my team in 2021. The assets used in this game are a combination of free to use releases that I found on the internet and a few that I made myself.

Developed under the moniker "Temzy"

Format: Video Game

Dev Status: Currently On Hold

Genres: Action, Platformer, Racing

Software Used: Game Maker Studio 1.4

Release date: 21st Aug 2024

Platform: Windows


Main Menu

Gameplay Screenshot #1

Gameplay Screenshot #2

Gameplay Screenshot #3

Options Menu


 Download the game here